Public notice is hereby given this Nineteenth day of April, 2023 that Better Community Development, Inc. of 3805 West 12th Street Suite 203, Little Rock, AR 72204 has made application for funds through Section 49 U.S.C. Section 5310 for the purchase of the following type of passenger transportation vehicle:    SV Standard Van 6-11 passenger (No conversion)

This vehicle will be used primarily for the following purposes: Transportation for disadvantaged, low income persons with disabilities including seniors and homeless veterans. Community outreach services provided to persons needing access to mainstream services, birth certificates, identification and driver’s licenses. Transportation will be provided to medical appointments, classes and outside support groups. The focus is to provide transportation from treatment shelter to activities designed to obtaining and maintaining employment

Purchase of the above vehicle is considered essential to the efficient operation of this organization in provision of public transportation services to seniors and individuals with disabilities. There is no intent to infringe upon, or compete with, existing public or private transit operators, including Section 5307, urban public transit operators and Section 5311, rural public transit operators.

Better Community Development, Inc. is requesting a vehicle that is not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, (Better Community Development, Inc.) does meet the “equivalency of service” requirements to individuals with disabilities in the community.

Any objection should be submitted in writing only to persons listed below. All comments will become a part of this organization’s application and will be a matter of public record. All written comments must be submitted within 30 days of the date of this notice. Any person wishing to request a public hearing on the proposed project must submit a request in writing within 10 days of the date of this notice to the persons listed below:


Chief Administrative Official’s Name:  Deborah Bell

Job Title: Director of Programs

Applicant Agency’s Name: Better Community Development. Inc.

Mailing Address: 3805  West 12th Suite 203

City, State, Zip Code: Little Rock, AR 72204


and to:

Greg Nation, Administrator

Public Transportation Programs Office

Arkansas Department of Transportation

P.O. Box 2261

Little Rock, AR 72203-2261